...your name is NOT Rozyln.
I mean, what can I say? I guess the point of this post is to say something, but really? Wow. I just could not believe, sentence after sentence, what a total classless person she is. Sad for her, she couldn't even come up with a good answer for anything she was asked, so she started answering questions with another question. The only thing I could kind of decipher from her was that apparently when she was being kicked off, she thought it was because she used the producer's cell phone. Is that what she was trying to say? She really botched it up, if so. It was really fabulous how she called everyone a liar and accused Chris of hitting on that guy's wife. Really, really, really classy.
Okay. Onto the other women.
Michelle is still completely and utterly crazy. She contradicted herself a few times and still believes apparently that she left because there was no spark- omitting from her mind, I guess that she threw a big fit when he did ask her to go. I am glad some of the women came to Elizabeth's defense when she threw out there 'I do not need a therapist.' Thank you, Velicia for backing Elizabeth up and telling Michelle that she is, indeed, unstable. Yikes.
Elizabeth won back some points for me when she admitted that even she was saying, "Boo Elizabeth" when she was watching her 'no kissing' crap. At least she can admit that she made the wrong move there.
Ally made me cry a little, I felt sad for her and I almost broke down when she mouthed 'hi' to Jake and they had their little chat. I really really wish she would have never left. I do hope she is the next Bachelorette...and since they didn't announce it tonight, hopefully they will on the Final Rose. It would have been weird to announce it tonight since the feelings are still so fresh with Jake. That is, IF she actually is the next one. I really have nothing to back myself up except a lot of hope.
Props to all the girls for feeling guilty for talking so much smack about Vienna. I was a little perplexed when Chris asked them for examples of why they all disliked her so much and only Ella came up with a very vague answer. I wish they would have given specifics, but it looks like no one really wanted to hold onto it anymore. Probably because they have all feel stupid because she has gone so far? Ally was especially nice about it, way to go Ally. Maybe she is trying to redeem herself so that everyone loves her and wants her to be the next Bachelorette? (wink!)
Not much else is sticking out in my mind right now. Gia was great, I feel bad for her but I am glad she learned so much about herself and will hopefully have a successful dating future. I would have liked to have heard from the other girls, like Corey, for example, who seemed to be totally forgotten about.... and a side note: I loved the out takes, I thought they were so funny.
Lastly, so when they were showing Jake with the final 2 girls, and he was talking about Vienna, and how he was hearing stuff about her from all the other girls, and then he finally said to himself that the way HE felt was the only thing that mattered....um.....HELLO, Jake. Were you not the one who crashed Jillian's love fest -after you had been sent packing- to warn her about Evil Wes? Talk about a double standard! That really, really rubs me the wrong way. From the preview of next week's episode, it looks like the fact that the other girls hated her rubs Jake's mom the wrong way, too. Go Jake's Mom! Tenley must prevail!!!