Mike and I have discovered a wonderful treat. Salmon, made up like tuna fish. We have been grilling salmon for awhile now, and Mike puts the perfect spices on it, lets it marinate and....YUM. Well, the other night we had some left over in the fridge, so Mike put some mayo in and and we put it on crackers, like tuna. It was scrumptious. Not a cheap treat, but worth the splurge! I bought some canned salmon tonight, but I doubt it will compair to Mike's delicious grilled version.
So. Let me share another story. We were at Mike's cousin's graduation party this weekend. Mike's little sister came into town for it, as well. Well, us girls (yes I still consider myself one of the young girls) decided to take off for a bit and go try on swimwear at Target. Okay, I KNOW that was a bad decision for me to make in the first place, being that I am still carrying around a little (read: all) baby fat. But I really didn't know how poisonous the environment would actually be. I somehow endured watching them and their perfect, untouched by children, bodies try on bikini after bikini and look fantastic...while I basically hid in the dressing room. So, due to this very traumatic experience...Mike and I joined a gym today. HOORAY! I am going to take naked before and after pictures of us, and post them on the blog. Haha, you wish. :)